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San Damiano Monastery of Saint Clare

To visit us, please
click on the path to our front door.

The Poor Clare Nuns are a religious community of women begun eight hundred years ago when Clare Offreduccio, a young noble woman of Assisi, Italy, cast off her rich garments and donned the simple garb of St. Francis to live as he did the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Long before this dramatic moment, Francis, while rebuilding the little church of San Damiano, exclaimed to those passing by, "Come and help me in building the monastery of San Damiano because ladies will dwell here who will glorify our heavenly Father throughout His Holy Church by their celebrated and holy manner of life." Clare and her sisters joyfully embraced a life of poverty, prayer and contemplation, solitude and seclusion that they might serve the Lord and His church through this holy manner of living as Francis had foretold. This life continues today in our little monastery of San Damiano on Ft. Myers Beach, Florida.

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